Hawaii on My Mind (a photo anthology)

Ciao Readers!  Or, more appropriately – “Aloha!”

Today I am taking you on a trip to Hawaii – Maui, to be precise.   Have I mentioned that I LOVE Hawaii?!?!?  Long before I ever stepped foot in Italy or any other country, there was Hawaii (fun fact – I actually used to have a website called “missinghawaii.com”!).  While I’ll take a trip abroad any day, Hawaii keeps calling me back – there’s just something about it – the aloha spirit, the sound of waves crashing on the shore, the seafood (yum!).  I can’t help but be in a happy, relaxed frame of mind when I’m in Hawaii; I’ve noticed it’s the only place we travel where I’m never “ready to go home” (which I usually am after awhile anywhere else).  Anyway, instead of more rambling, enjoy the beauty of the ocean, the marine life, and the rainbows – as seen last week….

Being a Brit in New Mexico

Ciao Readers!
Our niece from England recently visited, and here is her “guest blog” – enjoy!